Here's the next unit:
Sinusoidal Functions
We started by discussing period functions today. Those are functions that repeat themselves over and over again. They describe things from amusement park rides to the changing seasons to sound and even light.
We then looked at various functions and decided if they were periodic or not. Here are some functions that are periodic:
You can find a regular interval over which the graph repeats. |
If you can find a repeating pattern over a regular interval, then it is periodic. |
The red line is the base graph of what we will be sketching this unit. |
The following are NOT periodic:
Not periodic because the intervals are not regular. |
Not periodic because the maximum and minimum values change. |
Not even a function! |
How a sine graph can be generated from a circle. |
Homework: Complete the handout, P. 352 #1–4, 5ab, 6ac, 7–10